Local Rule x New Energy Golf Collaboration
Limited to 30 pieces worldwide.
国産ゴルフクラブのメッカ、兵庫県市川町に位置する我々New Energy Golfは世界中に日本の職人技術を届けるべく、遠く離れた北欧スエーデンに位置するLocal Ruleと今までに無いアプローチで30本限定の特別なパターを作り上げました。 コンセプトはまさに北欧の大自然と日本の職人技との調和。中でも表現の難しいオーロラをチョイスし、さまざまな技法を何度も試行錯誤の結果、まるでオーロラを切り取ったかのような唯一無二のパターが完成しました。
そんな30本限定で製作された今回のNNRG x Local Ruleのパターはステンレス素材に銅メッキをし、職人がその上から一つ一つ手作業によって特殊な釉薬によってオーロラ模様を施しています。大自然のオーロラの様にどれ一つと同じ色調やパターンが無く、使い込むほどに段々と銅本来の深い落ち着きのあるトーンへ変化していく姿はまるでオーロラが消えゆく自然の美しさを物語っています。
Located in Ichikawa Town, Hyogo Prefecture, the mecca of Japanese golf clubs, New Energy Golf have teamed up with Sweden’s Local Rule, to create a special limited-edition putter of just 30 pieces. This collaboration represents the harmony between the grandeur of Nordic nature and Japanese craftsmanship. We chose the elusive Aurora Borealis as the concept, and after countless trials and refinements using various techniques, we succeeded in creating a truly one-of-a-kind putter that captures the beauty of the aurora.
The moment you hold this flat and wide putter, it evokes a sense of stability. Its design, true to its image, allows for easy alignment by most players. The distinctive three alignment lines provide the ability to simultaneously check the face angle and lie angle at address. The flat sole features a two-degree tail draft to prevent snagging, while the 30-degree toe hang encourages a smooth face opening and closing during the stroke.
This limited-edition NNRG x Local Rule putter, made with stainless steel and copper plating, has been carefully crafted, with each piece hand-finished by artisans using a special glaze to depict the aurora pattern. Just like the natural aurora, no two pieces share the same color or pattern, and as you continue to use it, the finish gradually matures into a deep toned patina that tells the story of the aurora’s fleeting natural beauty.
Through this collaboration, we strive to set a new benchmark in golf club craftsmanship, where modern innovation and artistic beauty unite to create something of lasting value.
*The lifestyle and model shots below highlight the finish evolving into a rich copper patina.