M-311 Cavity


玄人モデルに見えて実は易しい。そんな誰もが一度は考える理想に挑戦してみたく、開発期間に約20ヶ月も費やしてしまったM-311 CB。




中級者から上級者の至るまで幅広いプレイヤーの方々に是非、打ってから気付く「あれ?意外と簡単…」を体感して頂きたい。ニューエナジーのM-311 CB。

A Professional Cavity Usable by Intermediate Players

While it looks like a professional model, the M-311 CB is incredibly user-friendly. Inspired by the dream club everyone envisions, we spent about 20 months perfecting this design. Whether in your bag or addressing the ball, this club impresses from every angle. On closer inspection, you’ll notice the “surprisingly semi-large head,” a result of our custom contour press mold, crafted from scratch for the M-311.

The back face, thickened from the cavity’s outer frame to the heel connecting to the neck through precise CNC machining, creates a clubhead with a high moment of inertia, delivering exceptional stability. Despite this, it maintains the “compact-looking head” aesthetic essential to professional models.

The slightly narrow sole, with its gentle round shape and deep cut grind on the leading edge, offers excellent control and minimizes resistance.

We invite players from intermediate to advanced levels to experience the “surprisingly easy” feel of the New Energy M-311 CB.