M-131 Blades
ニューエナジーの顔ともいえるM-311 CBの輪郭形状を取り入れているので、「311の雰囲気は好きだけどもうちょっとシビア感が欲しい…」と感じている志の高いプレイヤーに是非一度試して頂きたい。
M-311 CBとのコンボセットの組み合わせは、スペックの数値を含めヘッドサイズがあまりにも違いすぎる為、おすすめしません。
Traditional Muscle Back
The M-131 Blades feature a 7-iron with a 34-degree loft. For power players eyeing a muscle back, this might be all the information they need.
With a score line length of 50mm and a sole width of around 12mm, this club is among the more challenging options on the market today.
Incorporating the contour design of the M-311 CB, a hallmark of New Energy, the M-131 Blades are perfect for players who love the feel of the M-311 but find its size limiting as their skills advance. We don’t recommend combining it with the M-311 CB in a combo set—not only due to the differing specifications, but also because the head sizes are significantly different.